
國家圖書館承教育部指導,自民國102年開始持續耕耘,建立屬於臺灣的閱讀品牌——臺灣閱讀節(TAIWAN READING FESTIVAL)。運用跨域整合的方式,注入新思維新活力,開創繽紛多彩的閱讀型式,拉近愛書人、作者(譯者)及出版業的距離,讓閱讀的樂趣散佈臺灣的每一個角落。

The Taiwan Reading Festival, initiated under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and wholeheartedly developed by the National Central Library since 2013, has successfully established itself as a unique reading brand for Taiwan. This national-level literary event, now in its 11th year, is poised to further enhance its status as a cultural and educational milestone in Taiwan. The festival seeks to bridge the gap between book enthusiasts, authors (and translators), and the publishing industry while bringing the joy of reading to every corner of the island.


The Taiwan Reading Festival has seen significant growth and innovation over the years, with its most remarkable milestone being the relocation of the event to Daan Forest Park in 2017. This strategic move allowed the integration of reading activities with the tranquility of natural ecology, reinforcing the connection between the joy of reading and daily life. The festival, expanding in scale and scope, has consistently showcased the diverse facets of reading through a series of innovative initiatives. The Taiwan Reading Festival is a testament to the power of collaboration. It brings together various stakeholders, including public libraries, government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, media, communities, publishing houses, bookstores, and reading groups, who collectively design and plan a multitude of reading activities in various forms. The spirit of unity and shared vision has elevated the festival to a position where it is keenly anticipated by the libraries, publishing sectors, and readers across Taiwan. In 2020, the Taiwan Reading Festival was honored with the "ALA Presidential Citation for Innovative International Library Projects" by the American Library Association. This recognition underscores the festival's innovative approach and its significant impact on promoting reading culture.


In 2020, the Taiwan Reading Festival achieved a groundbreaking collaboration by partnering with the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Administration Office. This collaboration marked a significant milestone in the festival's history, as it incorporated the park's existing garden landscapes and special venue features to create a joyful reading carnival. As Taiwan Reading Festival continues to evolve and expand, its classic and popular activities becoming more diverse and captivating. The years 2021 to 2022 witnessed an extraordinary achievement as the festival broke records with over ten thousand enthusiastic participants. This unprecedented level of engagement further attests to the festival's ability to captivate the hearts and minds of readers across Taiwan.

本(112)年度臺灣閱讀節將於12月2日(星期六)至12月3日(星期日)再次熱鬧登場,經典活動:閱讀繽紛樂.歡樂大相聚、當泡泡的多重宇宙、乘著古風尋寶趣、動動手腦~DIY 親子摺紙趣、歡樂故事村、世界交享閱等。還有特別針對小小孩設計的幼兒聯盟,如:小小愛書人、鬥陣來𨑨迌、忍數大冒險--理財之術等,將全面開啟小小孩的五感體驗。喜愛逛市集的朋友在書香大市集、博物嬉遊島、旅圖小徑、青春學園及圖書館的魔術師等創意活動攤位,可以買書闖關玩遊戲,體驗多元的閱讀型態。

From December 2 (Saturday) to December 3 (Sunday) this year (2023), the Taiwan Reading Festival is celebrated through a diverse range of events, including: "Fun to Read - Happy Gathering," "The Multiverse of Bubbles," "Funny Ancient Art," " DIY Origami," "Joyful Storytelling Villages," and "The World Symphony of Reading Enjoyment," among others. Additionally, special programs designed for young children, such as "Little Book-Lovers’ World," "Speak Taiwanese Together," and "Ninja—Financial Literacy for Kids!," will engage all five senses of the little ones. Friends who love exploring markets will enjoy buying books, playing games, and experiencing diverse forms of reading at creative booths in the "Reading Market, "Museum Wonderland," "Library Trail," "Joy Campus," and "The magician in the library."


In an effort to further publicize the Taiwan Reading Festival brand, a pioneering nationwide reading promotion initiative called "Little Book-Lovers’ World" has been introduced. This initiative seeks the active participation of public libraries across Taiwan, promoting joint marketing efforts to enhance brand authority, expand brand influence, and increase brand visibility.


As the Taiwan Reading Festival enters its 11th year, it stands as a national-level benchmark reading brand, bearing a multitude of social responsibilities and functions. It envisions the creation of a reading brand exclusively tailored for Taiwan and aims to become a collaborative platform for libraries at all levels along with their partners. Together, they will work to elevate the promotion of reading culture, encouraging broad participation from the entire population, and leading the way in cultivating a vibrant reading atmosphere. The festival's goal is to achieve innovation and sustainability in line with advanced nations, solidifying its position as an international model for libraries.
